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Giving to an individual YWAMerYWAM does not provide a salary - most YWAM staff have financial partners such as churches and friends who provide funds so they be active in their ministry. If you would like to support a particular YWAM staff person or family, please contact them directly to find out the best way to do this, as financial and legal structures vary from nation to nation. In some cases your donation will be tax-deductible.
Giving to a specific YWAM Budapest MinistryYWAM is a very decentralized organization, and therefore does not have a centralized funding office to receive or distribute general donations. You are encouraged, instead, to give directly to Budapest as a location, or to a specific ministry of YWAM Budapest.
Contact [email protected] for more information about giving to a specific ministry of YWAM Budapest. |
Part of the YWAM global family of ministries
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